Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I can't believe I get so lazy with these posts. Seems like there is always so much going on, but I forget to make record of it all. Lets see, things lately have been pretty good. The one "thorn" in my life right now is my job. It is way too much for me!

Last week at church, our pastor talked about how we need to make sure we seek out God's will before making any decision. If we don't do this, we can end up in a mess. He specifically talked about if a job is offered to you all wrapped up in a nice package with a promotion and still might not be the best for you or your family. WELL, that is exactly what happened to me!

Right when I returned to work from medical leave, my director basically begged me to take this new job. A few other team members convinced me as well. I thought to myself, "huh, if this door is opening up so easily for me it MUST be from God." So even though I could faintly hear this voice inside my heart telling me it wasn't right, I went ahead and accepted it. It paid about 25% more than what I was making, how bad could it be?

Well, it turned out to be bad! I mean real bad. My friends and my husband say it has affected me in a negative way. Money is not worth it folks! All of my doctors are telling me to find a new job. So Im working on it. Still, to reflect back to some of my older posts...the only "job" I think I will truly find satisfaction from is being a mother. How challenging, frustrating, life changing and amazing all in one. So here I am in this massive mess that I've gotten myself into yelling "rescue me God! Where are you anyways." But for now, I need to find something that causes less stress and more balance. Doctor's orders and all :)

Other than some recent aches and pains, things are well though. I am so so blessed with my amazing husband! Man, he has been my rock and my "calm" throughout this all. He is so resilient and consistent no matter what. I sometimes feel guilty for putting him through so much in our marriage, and it's only been 2 years. No one should have to go through what he has gone through. I couldn't have dreamt of a more perfect man for me. Thank you Lord :) I admire him so much, come to think of it I should really tell him that more often. He is a wonderful, passionate, hard working, funny, zealous, intelligent man of God! I love him more than I love myself.

Ok, I digress. The BEST thing about this next month, is we are going to Jamaica! We are going to an all inclusive resort...5 star of course. But we are just thrilled! it's going to be our first real vacation since our honeymoon! I can already feel the warm rays of sun dancing across my face. Ah bliss. Im sure that will help with the pains I've been having lately and the stress!

I declare that 2011 is going to be a year of health, healing and happiness! Hopefully it is the year I will become a "mom" too! Oh I dream of the day. Every single day I learn to hear the Lord more clearly and yearn to be more like Him. His grace is truly enough!

Love and blessings