Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am finding it to be almost comical how God keeps throwing stuff at me. I think he does that in order to remind us of who is really in charge. One of my good friends put it best, "Liz, you've had it so rough this last year. There is never really a high for you, it is just flat and then a huge low, flat and then a huge low." Ha. I guess I never thought about it like that.

This last Tuesday, July 27th, I had my surgery for my ovarian cyst, my endometriosis and my tubal procedure. All and all it was a good experience. I mean, as good as surgeries could go I guess. I had the procedure at Fairview Southdale in Edina, MN. The nursing staff and doctors were wonderful! They gave me a narcotic/pain killer prior to the surgery just to "take the edge off." That stuff was amazing!

The surgery took just about 2 hours (from the time I went on the table to the time I woke up). They were able to completely remove the cyst including it's casing as well as all the endometriosis. They also checked to make sure my tubes were open so that someday I will be able to get pregnant. So it looks like in a few months I will be good to go on the baby-front.

Now I am just facing the long road to recovery. Honestly, I am in a lot more pain than I thought I would be. My husband thinks it is a joke I think. Men just don't really understand it. They don't have these "woman-parts" so they think you just have a bad stomach ache or something. I think I explained it best by saying, "I feel like a 90 year old hunchback with a gunshot wound to my abdomen." And Im not even being dramatic. We will see how fast this body of mine can recovery.

One of the blessings I am seeing out of this whole experience is how many people love and care for Mike and I. I almost feel guilty for how much people have been helping us out, praying for us, making us meals and sending me flowers. I am overwhelmed with kindness. Both Mike and I feel so blessed to be part of such an amazing church where we have found this support. It is like no other community I have ever been a part of! God is so good and so gracious. It blows my mind!

I think this is enough for now. My narcotics are kicking in and my body is wanting to hit the snooze button. Overall, the actual surgery wasn't bad. Now Im praying for a quick recovery so I can return to life!

Love and Blessings


  1. Hang in there you will get better! Plus with all the flowers you HAVE to! :) Love - Mike

  2. Was just going through my followers to see who else had blogs and found yours! This post is a few months old but still wanted to say Im praying and have been that this is the final thing you have to deal with for A LONG time for pain/sickness and that only POSITIVE things happen this next year! You have been through so much in the last year!
