Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vacation to Remember

These past few weeks although challenging (I will explain why in a minute), have been some of the most awakening weeks I have had in a long while. It is amazing when somethings happens from the result of something else...something you had completely not planned on. It's amazing, even if it's not necessarily "good." hmmm.

It all starts when my wonderful husband and I went on vacation. It was honestly the most relaxing, rejuvenating and recharging trip we've had in a long while. We went to Jamaica and stayed at an all inclusive resort. There is something extremely inspiring about waking up to th
e ocean every moment. I often times caught myself so clearly being able to "see" God in the perfect creations around me. The soft sunlight cutting through the palm trees, the gentle sound of the waves playfully slapping up against the white sand and the rich blue sky just inviting my thoughts to get lost in it's vastness. How can one not see God in such beauty?

This vacation was the best, in my opinion because it allowed us to truly rest. I think often times people in America especially, plan a "vacation," yet it is packed with hour-by-hour agendas and excursions. How is that truly a vacation away from the everyday hustle and bustle of our lives? It's not! I digress...It was truly magical just to be with each other, reconnect with God and rekindle our appreciation for what we have together. Of course it was also fantastic to have unending amounts of food, drinks and entertainment. I tried my best to refrain from over indulgence.

I hate to always somehow get back to my health but my health is a hot topic on my life these days. Well a little bit of a back story. A few days before we left I was feeling kind of sick. Truth be told, I had been feeling "ok" but I never felt "great" in over 2 years. It just seems odd to me that ever since we moved into our house, I've been sick. Anyways, so the day we left for our trip I was in a lot of pain and felt like I had the flu. I thought I was out of luck in my ability to enjoy our coveted trip. However, about 14 hours after we arrived, I felt perfect. Not just better, but perfect! Something I hadn't felt in years! I didn't feel sick at all, no pains no anything. I would secretly find myself in tears sitting on the beach just dreading going back home...only because I was afraid of the feelings and sickness that awaited my return.

So after 7 days in the closest thing to heaven on earth, we got home. Everything seemed fine. I felt ready to hit the ground running and dig my heals in back at work. Well one night in our house and the next morning there it was! That nagging sick feeling, body aches and frustration. I was in disbelief! So I went to my parents and within a few hours I was feeling better again. This had happened for me before a few times when we would go out of town for a few nights or on a vacation...I always feel better when we're out of our house. But what gives?!

So here I am now, still high on vacation, but missing my husband. I am at my parents living here until we get something figured out. This is one of the most difficult things I've been through just because I don't have the answers. I suppose this is where faith comes in. It just breaks my heart to not go to sleep next to my love every night. Since being at my parents, I have felt really well though which is a blessing! It is a relief to know that I can feel completely well! Im just so sad it's not at our house. We will probably end up renting it out this Spring but Spring can't come soon enough now!

So there you go. My update for all my readers (all 2 of your) Ha. If anyone reads this and has any ideas I would love suggestions! So when we went on our vacation, alot more happened than I had expected. Because of that vacation, we uncovered some more answers to my health (or solidified them anyways)...but man it sure shook up my life just a bit more. I look forward to a season of peace and simplicity someday. I haven't had one in SO long. Please pray for us too. We aren't sure what to do at all. God has His almighty hand in even this situation and Im hanging on to Him ever single moment.

Love and Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Ick! That just stinks :( Could it be mold or anything that may not see on the surface? Maybe the bed is the problem? Have you had your house deep cleaned? I dunno but hopefully you can figure it out soon and hopefully get outta there and have it rented!! Praying for you!!
