Friday, January 28, 2011

This Mess

I will be the first one to admit that I am a complete and total 100% mess! Not in an overly emotional way. Just in a "human" way. I was just thinking how messy our lives must look to God. Sometimes I honestly wonder if He's up there looking down at me and shaking his head and saying "Oh Liz why do you do this to yourself?"

I was just talking with a dear friend over my lunch break about how I have NO clue how things are going to work out right now in my life. I don't know where we're going to live, I don't know what's going to happen with jobs, I don't know what causes me to get sick in our house and I don't know when I will be blessed with children. Im literally a mess! (I even randomly cry in public haha) However, my friend reminded me that when things are "messed up" and getting all exciting (her words not mine) is THEN when God wants to show up! This actually makes sense to me and I have seen it happen in previous situations.

I think sometimes God likes to show off. Not in an egotistical way, just in a way where He can remind us who is in control every now and then. Just when you think there is no way in the world things could work out. Just when you've given up hope and given up trying to figure things out is exactly when God steps in. He suddenly shows up and in a big way! I think God likes to make Himself known through trials and then doing miraculous things for His glory!

Well God, If you're reading this blog, you can SHOW UP anytime now :) (as a side note, I know in my heart God is always with us even when we don't know he is there). I am definitely at that point though. Neither Mike or I have any clue what to do! I've driven myself crazy over different solutions to all of our problems. Well, I surrender God! My ideas and plans are exhausted and this messy life is all yours. Good luck.

After all, isn't that what we are always supposed to do as Christ-followers? Give our lives over to God? I don't know if anyone else struggles with this, but it's something I have to do over and over. Partially because I am a woman and like control and partially just because Im only human. So yes Im a mess, a big mess! But Im giving things over to God. He is the true artist of this world after all. He can take the most horrific, messy thing and make something spectacular out of it. I pray He makes this "mess" I call my own a masterpiece :) Even if it hurts.

Love and blessings!

1 comment:

  1. A mess is the perfect word to describe life when its crazy! I felt like I lived in a mess for a while but you are SO right in saying that when God shows up to fix everything He does it in a huge way! Praying He comes in and fixes everything (each mess) for you guys soon!!!!
