Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Moment in Time

This has by far been the longest stretch I've gone without a post. To be quite honest, Im not entirely sure where to start. This entire summer has been a whirlwind. It's scary as I seem to age, each day goes by just a little bit faster. As I look back over the past year and read through my posts, it is a great reminder that every "season" is only temporary. Even though while we are in the moment, it may seem like eternity, in the end it was merely a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of our life. "This too shall pass", whether it be good or bad. My seasons as of late have been simply breathtaking, mind blowing and humbling.

As I am approaching my 30th birthday, I am reminded that one of my personal life goals was always to "be a mother by the time Im 30." So, Im not technically meeting it, but I figure I will be about one month shy so Im pretty darn close :) I am 33 weeks pregnant with our first amazingly perfect baby boy. Yes, at times it seems like I've been pregnant forever, but now that I reflect's going by too quickly. I feel like once I have this little guy out and into the real world, I will miss the special bond he and I have. Feeling his quaint little hiccups every night, carefully playing poke with him as he so eagerly pushes back on my hand or just resting my hand on my belly and smiling to myself knowing that God has blessed me with the most amazing miracle (side note, he just gave me a REALLY healthy kick to my right lung. He must know Im writing about him). :) This time alone with my son is something no one else on this planet will ever experience. It is something I will always hold dear to my heart. Thank you Lord for your abundant blessings and this precious little miracle of a new life. As you can see below, he looks JUST like his daddy already! And Im not just saying that, he truly does. It is adorable :)

In the months since I have update this blog, we had also found a house. It happened to be a new construction home, so we built it from the ground up. The process was a little overwhelming at times, and again, at times it seemed like eternity to build the house. But now that we're all moved in and settled, I look back and realized we built an entire house! From nothing but land to a two story walk-out 2,800 square foot home in only about 70 days. Now that is pretty amazing! This home is a true reflection of our taste and my husband's blood, sweat and sometimes tears :) We put a lot of ourselves into it, carefully planning and thinking about every single room. My husband worked on a lot of custom tiling throughout, he sheet-rocked, painted and wired parts of it. We both take a lot of pride in taking care of it and creating a new home for our growing family. The neighborhood is great with lots of playful little kids running around, trails for miles and just a few blocks from a lake. Some days it feels like vacation. We both really love it.

One thing we miss is our friends. We only live between 10-25 minutes away from all of our close friends, but it's enough to make us feel a little isolated. We used to live about 2 miles away from so many of our friends, it was such a blessing! We moved into this part of the city because of my husband's job. His commute is only about 15 minutes now as opposed to 45 minutes from our old it was without question we had to move. Living a bit further from our friends makes me a bit nervous as I will be staying home full time once our little one arrives. Yes, there are plenty of new mothers in the neighborhood that we live in, but I ADORE my wonderful girlfriends :) They are Christ-centered, encouraging and uplifting young women who seek God's will in all areas of their lives. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. As a new mom, I know I will need their support more than ever. So Im praying we are able to get together even though Im a bit further down the road and Im praying I meet new wonderful women of God in my new area. I know there's a lot of great G0d-fearing women out there wanting a new friend :)

So I shall close for now, but thought Id give an update to "everyone" :). Probably all of 5 people who sometimes read this. We are so excited and terrified of the anticipated arrival of our little man! I really can't believe he will be here so soon! I should take advantage of my free time to actually keep up with my blog while I can. I am learning to truly enjoy every moment in time, appreciate each season and praise God through it all. I am one amazingly blessed woman! Good night and God bless!

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