Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are You Calling Me Crazy?!

I figured I had to write a blog post because I had so many thoughts going on in my mind. Today as I was working out, I was thinking how at peace I felt. I was on one of the machines just sweating away thinking, "I have this peace about everything. I don't know why at all. And I have no idea how things are going to work out, but I feel like so many blessings are about to pour out from Him." I was then thinking about how I shared briefly with a few people about all of the things that are up in the air right now. The very large majority of the people I've talked to said things like, "what are you going to do?!" all panicked. That brought me to think to myself, "I must be crazy. Literally crazy because Im not worried at all!"

Now, anyone that is reading this might not truly believe me that I am completely at peace. But I truly am! I don't just "hope" everything is going to work out, but I "KNOW" everything will. This has only happened to me one other time in my life where I felt this way. Then too, everything was up in the air! I mean everything. But I knew then as I know now that God was going to provide and do something big! I knew and I know, that everything is going to fall into place.

My husband and I have obviously been praying about everything constantly. I have been praying specifically for God's will. I have been praying for peace and that if it is His will, doors will open in a super-natural way. This brought me to Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. I LOVE that verse and I love when God's word is so clearly illustrated in our day to day lives. It is so beautiful and one of the million reasons why I love Him :)

So, I am VERY excited! I am excited about, well "nothing" yet! haha. (there goes that crazy thing again). But I am excited about what is to come! I am excited about God's faithfulness and blessings which I can just sense are about to sweep into our lives. So we're in a storm, but it's God's storm and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

So call me crazy or call me nuts, but I am at peace. Im praising God for all of my blessings, everything he has done and will do...whatever it may be! I can't WAIT. Till next time

Love and Blessings

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