Monday, April 11, 2011

Goin' Hunting

Yes, my husband and I have been hunting. House hunting that is :) I've always had a fascination with real estate and homes. One of my favorite channels is HGTV. There is just something about finding that perfect home that has always been a part of my life-dream.

Now of course, there is a level of "fun" to the house hunt. However, there is also quite a bit of stress in the mix. There is a substantial laundry list of things to look for when considering which home to buy. For example, location, good school, open floor plan, room to grow, wont need updates for the next 10 years, in a safe neighborhood, updated kitchen, large master bed and bath, some sort of yard, get the idea. There is a LOT to consider. I think this time around is more meaningful to us because this home is the place we will be raising our family. My husband and I were both fortunate to have a good childhood and upbringing, we only pray we can provide the same stability for our kids.

Just another fun twist to this all, is of course I have been feeling the need to "nest" already! I've been a lot cleaner than normal around the house. I have been hand-washing dishes even, which trust me is a HUGE deal :) I would love to start thinking about nursery designs, but who even knows where we will be living! As of July 1st, we are essentially "homeless." So, no pressure or anything right? ha.

And again, here we are relying completely on God. I have been in prayer about our future house for a few weeks now. Praying that God would provide us with just the right house and He would give us a peace about it. I know it will work out, I mean God has done FAR greater things for us than finding a home :) I need to remind myself to sit back and relax and let God truly take control. Let go Liz, let go. Lord, please help us find our next home. Amen!

Love and Blessings!

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