Friday, March 18, 2011

My "Secret Life" No More!

So it's been a while, a LONG while. It hasn't been because I've gotten lazy, it's just because It was premature to share the amazing blessings that God's been pouring into the lives of my husband and I. I've had to be "living in secret" ha. As I look back at even this blog, It is fun to know that I felt the anticipation of God moving in huge ways! And boy, was I right!

As Im sure everyone reading this blog has gathered, my main life goal and deepest heart's desire, has been to be a mother. To be able to call a precious little blessing from God, "mine." Well, I believe God puts desires in our hearts because he wants to fulfill those desires, and well...He has fulfilled mine!

WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I truthfully never thought I would be able to write this! The road was sure longer than we thought and involved more pain that we had hoped, but God has abundantly blessed us with life's greatest miracle! We found out Valentine's Day weekend while we were up North. I had been feeling some strange symptoms so I thought I either A) had more cysts and endometriosis or B) I was pregnant. Thankfully it was B! I am also thankful I just happened to bring two pregnancy tests with me up North. I took one the first morning we were there, and ta-da, there it was two pink lines! My heart started racing like I was running a marathon and I started sweating. I took the test and ran it out to show Mike. Still shaking and about to faint I said, "MIKE, I think we're PREGNANT!" His reply, "nuh uh." That's it! No reaction, nothing. hahaha! I think he really wasn't expecting it either and thought the test was wrong.

So the next few days I continued to take pregnancy tests, ok maybe 8 total so far :) But finally Mike was believing. I think it is a shock to guys because suddenly they have all this new pressure on them, they are going to be a dad! They are going to be responsible for someones life and well being.

We drove home that weekend and immediately told our parents. Now some people may think that's nuts. But we figured, even if something did go wrong, we'd then have the support of our families. They were all just elated. I think they were all in disbelief too! No one really saw this coming.

I remember crying on my knees that morning I found out. Just overcome with thanksgiving and praise to God for this amazing blessings. He has trusted me with raising and developing a human. It still just blows my mind! I talk to my belly every single night and say prayers for the little person growing inside me. Please God protect this new love of mine and help it to develop into a healthy beautiful child that I can someday hold in my arms.

I have more adventures to share, but there is the update for now! God has done BIG things in my life and I am humbled. Wow.

Love and Blessings!

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