Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tough Stuff Kinda Day

Today was a tough day. Much tougher for my sister than it was for me, but tough none the less. Since I promised myself I would be transparent, I have to admit today made me a little upset with God.

For those of you that don't know, my younger sister has Crohn's Disease. No, it's not colitis or IBS, it is much more intrusive than that...and it is a life-long auto immune disease with a lot of complications.

Unfortunately, my sister has already had a lot of progression with this disease. Today she had her fourth surgery. I wont go into too many details out of respect for her, but basically she's had problems with fistulas, which you can read about through the link above. This has been really painful for her and has been emotionally and spiritually trying on her. It's been really tough on me too just because I would literally give my life not to see her suffer. I try and stay strong around her when Im with her, but then crumble to peices the moment I leave. It just doesn't seem fair.

Yet...SHE is the one going through this and SHE is the one that is holding it all together. I told her in a note today that I am inspired by her. Her strength, determination and endurance through this all is simply amazing! Her spiritual life has flourished through every ache, pain and tear. Instead of obsessing about the "why me," she dives into the "who are you God." Wow. I love her so dearly.

So today, the surgery did go well but there are a lot of rough roads ahead. Things didn't turn out as well as we all hoped. But we must remember that God has His hand in even the most violent of storms. It isn't fair. And I might be a little upset with God right now. But I KNOW that God works ALL things for the good of those that love Him (Romans 8:28). I find comfort in the truth. And I will continue to desperately lift up my dear sister, my dearest friend, that she may find strength and peace in the Lord and be healed by His holy hand!

LOVE and blessing!

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