Monday, February 7, 2011


This is a short post, but one that means a lot to me. For those of you who don't know, my husband is busy getting his MBA. This means that most of his evenings and weekends are spent slaving away over tedious homework. On top of that, he of course is working full time. I honestly don't know how the man does it, but he does and he does it well! (All A's thus far). So if you can imagine, "our time" and romance sometimes take the back seat.

This morning Mike was out the door around 5:30 AM. I didn't get to talk to him at all! He left early so he could finish some homework prior to starting work. Just seeing his smiling face is one of the highlights of my morning, so I was sad that I missed out on that.

Well, I went downstairs and waiting there for me was a "love note." This was the most romantic thing I could ever ask for! Not many people take the time to hand write a little note to anyone these days, especially when they are so pressed for time. This simple and free little note brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my soul. The fact that he took the time to slow down in his rush out the door and take time to make sure I knew he loved me was so sweet. It truly is the little things that count.

My "love tank" is full and once again, I consider myself blessed! I am one lucky lady!

Love and blessings!

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