Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stirring Things Up

So as if we didn't have enough uncertainty to deal with already, today a few other things got thrown into the mix. I really do try and keep this blog pretty positive, because overall I am a positive person! But today I just feel the need to do a little "venting." :) So I apologize in advance.

Well, yesterday Mike's car "broke." I say "broke" because I am not sure exactly what happened, but it doesn't work. So he left it in the work parking lot and now is driving a scary van (think sex offender looking van, which is creepy!). That was obviously unexpected and is going to cost a decent amount of money. We also got back some test results today. We had done some radon testing in our home a few weeks ago. Turns out that our radon levels in our home are twice as high as the EPA recommends to be "safe." Do a quick search on "radon" in Google and you quickly see it is a really toxic substance in unsafe levels. We are having a radon mitigation team come in next week to take care of that. Also, that adds a couple grand to the total.

Whew. Now normally this kind of thing wouldn't stretch me too thin! But as you have read before, there were already lots of things going on! Now more than ever! We are so uncertain how things are going to work out. So HELP us God. God is in the business of victory, and boy we sure could use one. I try to remind myself throughout the day that God does all things for the GOOD of those that love Him. That brings comfort to my mind. But every now and then, I slip back to the worry and anxiety of my mind. I get lost in the whirling waves of emotion that go through my head and forget to focus on the One true source of hope, light and peace.

Just thought Id give an update. I look forward to letting everyone know how all of these things have panned out and how God had His gracious hand in everything all along. Right now, it's just a bit hard to see. I am looking forward to "normal" one day....whatever that is anyways. Trust trust trust.

Love and Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Hoping this will be the MAJOR issue that will help solve all the problems with your health and the house. That is really scary! Praying for you! :)
