Thursday, February 3, 2011

An "Unwanted" Blessing

I am pretty sure God almost finds humor in surprising us in ways much beyond what we would expect (again, somewhat related to my posts below). We might be praying and praying for something specific, and then He does indeed answer us...but not even remotely close in the way in which we expected. SURPRISE!

That definitely has been happening to me over the past several months. Today specifically, I was very aware of the great blessing God was bestowing upon me. As I was conversing with coworkers, destroying my "to do" list and trying to be a rock star at what I do...I forgot that I "hate" my job. Huh. That caught me off guard. There I was, committed to hating my job, yet I found myself...dare I say "enjoying it?" WOAH!

Yep, there I said it! Today I ENJOYED my job! Im not sure if it necessarily was because of the actual work per say, but it was the interaction, discussion and communication I was having with my friends and my clients. I felt useful, valued, heard and respected today. It was the most bizarre thing. The first few people I saw were seemingly more friendly than usual and bathed me in compliments...obviously a great way to get to any girl's heart. It was almost like I tried to fight letting myself slip into a comfortable place of satisfaction. This just wasn't right!...or was it?!

Later on in the day, I just paused for a moment and listened to all the babble that was going on in my head. A light suddenly went off in my heart that this was SO clearly God's answer to my prayer. It was not at ALL how I thought He would pull through for me...but there it was. God had opened my eyes and mind to LIKE my job. What?! And I was perfectly "happy" just hating it! haha. I am so thankful that God knows me so much better than I know myself.

So I found myself blessed today as I said a quick "thank you" to my wonderful Creator. I accepted His loving gift to me this day and cherish it with all my heart. I prayed and prayed for my job and boy did He answer. We will see how God continues to surprise me...sometimes in ways that I may expect and sometimes in ways that throw me for a loop. But His ways area always perfect and His timing is never late :)

Love and Blessings!

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